Our story!

For several years now I have had the urge to travel which has been a dream of mine before marriage and children. My husband was never keen on the idea until one afternoon in 2016 he said, "let's do this!" The next day I began to sell, donate and give away items from my home. He was a bit shocked when he got home from work. I immediately called a realtor and our home sold within 24 hours for more than we were asking. I had sold, donated and given away EVERYTHING so that the day we moved we didn't even need a truck. We were able to drive away with everything we had left in both our vehicles. We moved to a smaller place directly across from the beach to enjoy the sunrise and sunsets for the following year before taking off to travel full time!

Time Flies When You're Having Sun!

What happens when you let go of your home of 30 years and all the basic routines are left behind? For us personally, we find ourselves being more on the go and enjoying the outdoors. We loved sharing our backyard with the grandchildren especially but we are enjoying the ocean and more with them now. They constantly tell us they miss our home but I believe they will treasure our time together more.

This morning we were just discussing that our move was like getting off a carousel that was just moving too quickly. We have enjoyed the quiet peaceful place here on the beach we have now. It has been therapeutic not having all our trappings around us but instead to be free from the bondage of our stuff. These past 6 months we have just emptied our souls and our minds of the debris that was there. We find ourselves much more creative and recharged looking forward to more change ahead.

Forming memories with my grandchildren here on the beach and having picnics has been especially sweet. I believe that nature is the best playground for all of us!

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